• Anesthesia (Conscious Sedation)
    Conscious sedation is a type of anesthesia that makes the patient feel very relaxed. It reduces painful sensations and the awareness of pain. It is not intended to put the patient to sleep, and will wear off quickly after a procedure. Conscious sedation is commonly used for simple procedures that can be completed quickly.
  • Anesthesia (Epidural)
    Epidural anesthesia is a numbing medication injected through a catheter placed in the epidural space of the spine. It can be used to numb the abdomen, groin, legs and feet. It does not put the patient to sleep, but blocks painful sensations during or after a medical procedure.
  • Anesthesia (General)
    General anesthesia makes a person unconscious. People call this "put under" or "put to sleep but it isn't the same as regular sleep. A person given general anesthesia cannot feel pain. And, the person wont remember what happens during a medical procedure.
  • Anesthesia (Local)
    Local anesthesia makes a part of the body numb to prevent a patient from feeling pain during a medical procedure. Local anesthesia is commonly used for many minor outpatient surgeries.
  • Anesthesia (Lumbar Puncture, Spinal Anesthesia)
    This numbing medication is injected into the cerebrospinal fluid through a fine needle placed near the nerve roots of the lower spine. It can be used to numb the abdomen, groin, legs and feet. It does not put the patient to sleep, but blocks painful sensations during or after a medical procedure.
  • Anesthesia (Monitored Anesthesia Care, MAC)
    Monitored anesthesia care is a type of anesthesia that makes the patient feel very relaxed. It reduces painful sensations and the awareness of pain. It is not intended to put the patient to sleep, and will wear off quickly after a procedure. Monitored anesthesia care is commonly used for simple procedures that can be completed quickly.
  • Anesthesia (Overview)
    Anesthesia is the use of medications to block the pain of a medical procedure. The medications that block this pain are called anesthetics. Different forms of anesthesia are used to prepare patients for different types of procedures.
  • Anesthesia (Peripheral Nerve Block)
    A peripheral nerve block is a type of regional anesthesia. It can completely block sensation in an arm, leg or other area for surgery. A peripheral nerve block doesn't put you to sleep. However, a nerve block can be combined with sedation or general anesthesia during surgery.
  • Anesthesia (Regional)
    Regional anesthesia makes an area of the body numb to prevent the patient from feeling pain during or after a medical procedure. It can completely block sensation to a large area of the body. Regional anesthesia does not put a patient to sleep, but it is commonly used along with sedation. It may also be used with general anesthesia.