Ears and Hearing (02)


Pop Quiz: Ears and Hearing

Question 1

This structure, found in your inner ear, is shaped like a snail’s shell.


Malleus, cuboid, ulna, cochlea


The cochlea is the snail-shaped structure in your ear. It's lined with rows of tiny hair cells that help detect sound vibrations.

Question 2

Let's try another one. What foods can help prevent hearing problems?


Yogurt, broccoli, poultry, potatoes


Always eat your broccoli! This superfood is high in antioxidants and can lower your risk of hearing loss.

Question 3

And finally, true or false: The smallest bones in your body can be found in the middle ear.


That's true! The three tiny bones found in the middle ear are called the malleus, incus, and stapes. Thanks for playing!