WK Eye Institute Surgeons Perform First Raindrop® Procedure in Region

Mar 06, 2017

Anyone who has struggled with the off/on of reading glasses may benefit from a new procedure, introduced in North Louisiana by Willis-Knighton surgeons at WK Eye Institute, the Raindrop® Near Vision Inlay.

Christopher L. Shelby, MD, of WK Eye Institute Pierremont and North, performed the first Raindrop®Near Vision Inlay procedure in our region, and his colleague, Wyche T. Coleman, III, MD, at WK Eye Institute South, performed the second.

Raindrop is a small transparent disk called an “inlay.” This FDA-approved disk is made mostly of water and of a soft contact lens material. The 10-minute procedure offers a long-term solution, with results that are evident within one week. 

Following the Raindrop procedure, 98 % of patients in a study indicated they could read a newspaper or equivalent at near distance. In that same study, 88% reported they could read fine print and 76% indicated they could read email on a computer screen. 

More information on the Raindrop procedure is available at wkeyeinstitute.com