• Bunion Correction with Scarf and Akin Osteotomy
    This procedure is used to correct a bunion, a deformity of the joint at the base of the big toe. During this procedure, portions of bone are removed and the bones of the foot and toe are aligned properly, eliminating the bump on the inner side of the foot.
  • Bunionectomy
    This outpatient procedure is performed to correct a bunion, a deformity of the toe joint. This surgery is commonly performed with regional anesthesia.
  • Bunionectomy (Chevron Bunionectomy)
    This outpatient procedure is performed to correct a bunion, a deformity of the toe joint. During the procedure, the surgeon may remove excess bone and then shift the toe into proper alignment. This surgery is commonly performed with regional anesthesia.
  • Diabetes and Foot Care
    Diabetes can lead to problems with your feet. Loss of feeling in your feet can make it easy to miss an injury. And poor blood circulation can let a small infection turn into a major issue. So let's learn about proper foot care.
  • Endoscopic Plantar Fasciotomy (EPF)
    This procedure relieves the pain of chronic plantar fasciitis. This condition is an inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of connective tissue that stretches across the sole of the foot. This procedure may be performed with local or regional anesthesia and with sedation.
  • Excision of Mortons Neuromas
    Morton's neuroma is an enlarged nerve, compressed or pinched between the bones and the ligament that holds them together. This procedure eases the pain by releasing pressure from the nerve or removing the nerve.
  • Kidner Procedure
    During this outpatient procedure, the physician removes a problematic accessory navicular bone. The accessory navicular is an abnormal, unnecessary bone found in a small percentage of people. It is located on the inner side of the foot.
  • Lateral Column Lengthening (Evans Osteotomy) for Adult Acquired Flatfoot
    This surgical procedure is used to modify the shape of the foot, creating an arch to correct the condition of pes planus (commonly called flat foot or fallen arch). It can dramatically change the shape of the foot, giving the foot a more normal appearance.
  • Lisfranc Injury Surgery
    This surgery repairs an injury of the Lisfranc joint complex. That's a cluster of small bones and ligaments in the midfoot. This surgery stabilizes broken or dislocated bones.
  • Metatarsal Fracture Fixation (Open Reduction and Internal Fixation)
    This procedure is used to correct a fracture of one or more of the long bones of the foot. During this procedure, the surgeon stabilizes the bones with hardware to allow the bones to heal properly.
  • Midfoot Fusion
    This surgical procedure is performed to help relieve pain in the foot and correct deformities in the midfoot caused by injury, trauma, arthritis, or genetic defect. The procedure fuses any combination of the navicular, cuboid and cuneiform bones in the midfoot.
  • Plantar Fascia Release (Open Technique)
    This outpatient procedure is a surgical cutting of part of the plantar fascia, a thick band of connective tissue that supports the foot's arch. By partially cutting this tissue, the surgeon releases tension and allows the tendon to lengthen. This procedure is commonly performed to relieve pain caused by plantar fasciitis.
  • PRP Therapy for Plantar Fasciitis
    If you have pain in your foot from plantar fasciitis, platelet rich plasma therapy may help. It uses parts of your own blood to help your body heal itself. PRP can help your foot feel better and work better.
  • PRP Therapy for Plantar Fasciitis (AcCELLerated Biologics)
    If you have pain in your foot from plantar fasciitis, platelet rich plasma therapy may help. It uses parts of your own blood to help your body heal itself. PRP can help your foot feel better and work better.
  • Radiofrequency Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis (TOPAZ® Coblation®)
    During this procedure, the surgeon uses a radiofrequency device called a TOPAZ® microdebrider to break up scar tissue in a painfully-inflamed plantar fascia (a band of tissue at the bottom of the foot). The coblation procedure can be performed as a minimally-invasive procedure through the skin, or it can be performed as part of an open surgical procedure. This animation will show the minimally-invasive technique.
  • Subtalar Implant for Adult Acquired Flatfoot
    This procedure is designed to limit hyperpronation, an excessive range of motion of the subtalar joint typically caused by hereditary underdevelopment of the talus or the calcaneus. Hyperpronation can allow the foot to collapse inward and downward. During this procedure, a small device is implanted between the talus and calcaneus to correct this abnormal motion and stabilize the ankle. Several implant styles are available.